A low deposit home loan could help you get into your first home sooner than you think. If you have less than 20% deposit there are options to help you into home ownership.

A low deposit is referred to a deposit that's less than 20% of the house purchase price. While there are rules around deposits less than 20%, there's still ways to qualify for a home loan with less than this amount. Learn more about Loan-to-Value Ratios (LVR).

Kiwibank low deposit options

In some circumstances Kiwibank can lend to you with a 10% deposit, subject to loan-to-value ratio (LVR) restrictions.

Let's get you into your first home

Our home loan specialists will work with you to see if any of the low deposit options might work for you. Our calculators may also help you understand your deposit requirements.

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Our home loan specialists can walk you through the process of buying a home and discuss what your options are.

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First home buyer calculator

Our first home buyer calculator allows you to work out how much you may be able to borrow and compare different repayment scenarios.

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