If you have a savings target you'd like to reach you can use Goal Tracker to set up and easily keep tabs on your progress.
How it works
You can use Goal Tracker with our Free Up, Online Call and Notice Saver accounts within the mobile app and internet banking.
Mobile app
- Go to the ‘Goal’ tab when you’re viewing your account.
- Click on 'Add a goal'.
- Choose your goal type: 'Travel, Family, Rainy day, Fun/spending, House, Savings, Debts, Future, Car'.
- Add your goal amount, starting amount and your goal deadline (if you want to give yourself one).
- Click the ‘Set goal’ button and you’re on your way.
- Check on your progress each time you view that account. Simple!
You can add Goal tracker to more than one account too.
Internet banking
- Click on the ‘Add a goal’ tab when you’re viewing your account.
- Add your starting amount, target balance and your goal deadline (if you want to give yourself one).
- Choose your goal type: 'Travel, Family, Rainy day, Fun/spending, House, Savings, Debts, Future, Car'.
- Click on the ‘Set Goal’ button and you’re on your way.
- Check on your progress each time you view that account. Simple!
You can add Goal tracker to more than one account too.

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Goal Tracker can also be used with Bill Blaster, Now, Front Runner, Back-up Saver, Fast Forward Saver or First Saver accounts.
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This page provides general information and isn't intended as regulated financial advice. To review your specific situation and financial requirements please talk to one of our Kiwibank Representatives or your Financial Adviser.