Our Purpose Goals
This is making tamariki better off
We'll support tamariki (children) to have access to quality financial education by 2030.
This is making Kiwi better off
We'll support two million Kiwi to take action to secure their financial futures, by 2030.
This is making Aotearoa better off
We'll deliver $2 billion in sustainable finance to improve the resilience of Aotearoa by 2030.
FY24 Purpose highlights
Making tamariki better off
- In the 2023 school year, we supported 62,210 students to access the Banqer platform.1*
- Banqer was used in a third of all primary and secondary schools across Aotearoa.
- As at December 2023, nearly 350,000 students have completed the Banqer programme since the establishment of our partnership in 2016.
Making Kiwi better off
- We supported 45,376 Kiwi to take action to secure their financial future.*
- In FY24, 18,585 customers set 24,709 savings goals using our Goal Tracker. This is a tool available in our mobile app and internet banking.
- We’ve been working to support the financial wellbeing of new Kiwi with our Former Refugee and Migrant Support Programme. The Programme launched in FY24.
Making Aotearoa better off
- We provided more than $177 million in sustainable finance, exceeding our target of $170 million.*
- We completed a review of the sectors covered by our Responsible Business Banking Policy.
- We’ve increased the expertise of our team with training sessions for more than 170 business bankers on our sustainable finance offerings.
1Some students may have completed both Banqer Primary and Banqer High and will be counted towards both. Banqer numbers relate to the school year.
*Important information about how we calculate our progress against each of these goals is set out in the sections of this report that correspond to each goal.
Our Sustainability Goals
This is culture
We want to foster an inclusive culture where we can all belong - one that encourages all of our kaimahi (our people) to do their best work through learning and growth. This helps us to deliver for our customers.
This is climate action
By 2025, we’ll build a sustainable business by reducing our carbon emissions by 40%, be carbon neutral and support customers to transition to a low-carbon future.
This is purpose-led business
As a B Corp, we consider the impact we have on our kaimahi (our people), customers, community and the environment.
FY24 Sustainability highlights
Building an inclusive culture
- Our gender pay gap is now 30.6%, well ahead of our FY24 goal, which was to reduce it from 33.6% to 32.6%.
- 40% of bands 4-7 plus executive committee roles are women
- 10.5% of all kaimahi are Māori
- 7.1% of all kaimahi are Pacific Peoples.
- Disability and accessibility guidelines were released in May 2024.
- We launched employee-led networks for Pacific Peoples and neurodiverse team members.
- Our gender pay gap is now 30.6%, well ahead of our FY24 goal, which was to reduce it from 33.6% to 32.6%.
Taking climate action
- We developed our first Climate Statement in compliance with the Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards.
- We reduced the operational emissions we measure by 29% compared to our FY21 baseline year*, including:
- A 39% reduction in electricity since FY21
- Converting 35% of our fleet to electric vehicles in FY24. Now, 57% of our vehicles are electric.
- We established Kiwibank’s financed emissions reporting capability in FY24.
Purpose-led business operations
- The Purpose and Sustainability Network has been established and we're now working on setting up its framework and goals.
- We worked with Kāinga Ora to change Kāinga Whenua lending criteria to make it more accessible to a greater number of Māori seeking home ownership.
*Important information about how we calculate our progress against each of these goals is set out in the sections of this report that correspond to each goal.

Kiwibank Sustainability Report 2024
If you'd like to read more about how we're working to have a positive impact on Aotearoa New Zealand, download the report.
This is trust and experience
We’ve included a new section in this year’s report, This is trust and experience, which details our work to build customer trust and deliver a better banking experience.
FY24 highlights
- Kiwibank has the largest physical banking network in Aotearoa. Our network is made up of 57 Kiwibank branches and 90 Local for Kiwibank sites.
- We’ve reduced the time it takes us to answer customer calls to our contact centre by 27%, despite a rise in customer enquiries.
- Customers were able to access our banking platforms 99.8% of the time this year.
See our previous Sustainability Reports
Our Sustainability Reports outline our performance each year against our Purpose and Sustainability Goals, and how we're working to make tamariki, Aotearoa and Kiwi better off.